Pure Retinol 0.75% in Luxurious Plant Oils 

$60.00 Incl. GST

Welcome the most researched non-prescription Vitamin A derivative in a lightweight, fast penetrating, sensorially luxurious oil format to your new skincare regime



Welcome the most researched non-prescription Vitamin A derivative in a lightweight, fast penetrating, sensorially luxurious oil format to your new skincare regime. Stabilised with Lipochroman and Vitamin E. Boosted with Tetrahydropiperine. Soothed with Defensil Plus and calming extracts of Chamomile and Calendula, this innovative formula offers a wealth of skin boosting benefits to give you flawless skin.

As a dynamic ingredient derived from vitamin A, retinol skin care products have the ability to enhance the skin’s radiance, one application at a time. Formulated to help rejuvenate the appearance of the skin and give an overall improvement to skin texture, this powerhouse ingredient transforms the skin by increasing cellular turnover and stimulating collagen and elastin production.

As we age our skin experiences a number of physiological changes such as thinning of the dermis and epidermis as well as a reduction in keratinocytes and collagen production. In addition to natural ageing, the skin is repeatedly exposed to environmental stressors such as UV radiation, pollution etc. Thinning of the dermis and epidermis results in a less effective skin barrier function and in turn leads to higher environmental stressors, higher trans-epidermal water loss and vulnerable skin.

Retinol exhibits powerful anti aging action by increasing the production of keratinocytes (cells which produce keratin), endothelial cells (increases dermal vascularity) and fibroblasts (synthesizes collagen and extracellular matrix).

– Thickening of the epidermis
– Stimulation of collagen production
– Increase in skin firmness
– Increase in cellular renewal
– Decrease in fine lines and wrinkles

Retinol has shown to inhibit UV induced Matrix Metalloproteinases (enzymes which degrade collagen and prevent new collagen production).
Regulate oil production and reduce acne/blemishes.
Reduce collagenase.
Brightens skin tone.
Evens out skin tone.
Increases wound healing.

Considerably less erythema, irritation, TEWL, compared to tretinoin / retinoid acid.
Retinol boosts the effects of hydroxy acid peels due to increased cellular renewal, increased epidermal healing and enhanced penetration of the peeling agent. Retinol can be resumed after all evidence of peeling and irritation subsides.

How to use

Introduce this serum into a skincare regime gradually.

Apply in the evening over serums and under face creams.

Keep skin moisturised with hydrating serums or face cream after use.

Warning – May cause irritation. Skin may also start to shed dead skin cells within the first week and may last a further week.
Avoid direct and unprotected exposure to sun.
DO NOT use during pregnancy.
DO NOT use on sensitive skin conditions.